Thursday, June 7, 2012

You can't judge a book by it's cover!

Andrew DeLeon

I was watching this show just to see Howard Stern, and this kid blew my mind!  I love this kid, and he's one of the people that make the world an interesting place.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Cowboys and Aliens

I watched Cowboys and Aliens this weekend, and I thought it was pretty creative.  I mean, there are supposedly drawings in ancient Roman and Egyptian temples depicting UFO's and aliens.  Strong believers say that earth has had extra-terrestrial visitors for as long as the earth has been in existence.  Hmm....  Maybe.  I really don't know, but one thing IS for sure - it feeds my imagination!

What would the ancient Egyptians do if a big silver spaceship flew in for a visit?  It's not like they could do anything about it.  The poor cowboys didn't have much defense either.  The creative options for this story were endless.  This would have been a really fun story to write.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

I am big on goal setting (in recent years anyway),  and I believe that without direction, we really can't go anywhere.  I mean, I wouldn't go out driving without knowing where I was headed to, so I try to lead my life that same way.  I just think that most things flow better with a plan.  Not always though, I love how life sometimes takes you down a side road and takes you to a place you never knew existed.  But I'm not talking about that, I'm referring to the big things.

But I also think you should be flexible enough to roll with life and constantly evolve and update your goals as you change and grow in life.  When you're rigid, you miss a lot, and you never know who or what will lead you down that next adventurous path in life.

For one of my 2012 goals, I plan on writing 365,000 words.  Not all at once, and not on any particular schedule, but just an average of 1,000 words a day.  I value my freedom as a writer, but I also work well on deadlines.  Honestly, it's other people's deadlines that motivate me more so than my own, but setting a specific goal for myself is a powerful thing.

Welcome 2012!

Thursday, December 29, 2011


The lost city of Atlantis has always intrigued me.  I'd like to believe that it was a real place.  A place filled with a rich history, kings and queens, tons of gold and jewels, and magic.  Magic of course.  I mean, what kind of a city disappears into the ocean without a bit of magic?

According to several paleontologists and archaeologists, it is merely a myth.  A legend concocted by Plato to warn future generations about greed and sin.  If they get greedy and live sinful lives, then they too will slide into the ocean.  Hmm.....  Maybe, but the creative side of me doesn't agree.  I think it's down there somewhere.  Sitting on the bottom of the Atlantic ocean.  It may not even be in ruins, it could have inhabitants.  Fish-people and Mermaids might have taken over the city.  Oh yes, the possibilities!

The people of Atlantis are so dramatic!  The romance!  The sex!  Oh, it's such an amazing world to see.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I love.....

I love Smashwords!  I love Kindle Direct Publishing!  I love All Romance Ebooks!  I love Pub It by Barnes and Noble!  (this is me shouting from the roof tops.)  I love them all, and I love the ones that I don't know about yet.  I also love the ebook publishers that don't exist yet.

As a child of the 80's, I had much fun.  Much.....  But I always thought I'd have had a bit better of a time if I were an adult in the 80's instead of a kid.  The economy, the jobs, the punk rockers, the sexy mullets....    Wait, no.  I guess being a kid in the 80's was better.  I got to play Pac-Man, watch He-Man, Smurfs, and other awesome shows.  I played with my Atari, puffalumps, Rainbow Brite, Barbies, and Cabbage Patch Kids.  Twas great!

I'm so glad that I am right here, right now.  I have fully embraced this age of ebook readers and ebook publishing.  I am so grateful that I am living in this era.  I can't imagine myself doing anything else.  Everything worked out exactly the way it was supposed to!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I am such a nerd! A sexy nerd of course......

I can't get enough of this show called Ancient Aliens!  Seriously, I stay up WAY too late, and watch until all hours of the night.  I am so fascinated by the past and the connections they're finding to aliens.  They say that aliens have been visiting earth for tens of thousands of years.

Ancient text tells of visitors from another planet.  Men with silver suits on and helmets - flying planes and discs!  Thousands of years before planes were invented.  Hmmm....

Maybe they're not aliens, maybe they're just time travelers from the future?  ;)